Friday, May 3, 2013

on commands

Do we have commandments and counsel from prophets that we disregard as not applicable to us?

I grew up in a non-lds home.
I grew up on ice tea. It was my water. Man i miss it! But when i was 17 and i sat across from 19 yr old missionaries that asked me to obey the Lord, i did. And i have for 9 years. I do it completely out of faith in the Lord, not because i think anything is wrong with my ice tea. Who knows what blessings are or may come to me for obeying this word of wisdom.

Conversely, we have been counseled not to view rated r movies. I grew up watching rated r movies at a young age. And i turned out just fine! Right??? So i neglected this command. I felt it wasnt applicable to me. Now, i am triggered by bloody commercials! I struggle with movie trailers. I trigger with some pg 13 films. I can feel the Spirit dissipate from me when i watch tv. I NOW recognize what wonderful and inspired counsel the prophets give us. IT IS FOR OUR HAPPINESS.
You dont have to understand the reasons for the commandments. I need to have faith in every word that proceeds from their mouths that i may have the greatest joy. A righteous life is a happy and free life.


  1. I don't have words of wisdom. Only understanding and compassion. I remember not being able to watch movie trailers. Much love.
