Thursday, May 2, 2013


my name is d.
and i just want a healthy sex life.

"This is where neurochemistry comes in, too. Sexual climax involves incredibly powerful chemical events that can even be analogized to the effect of powerful drugs. Both make the brain perceive incredible pleasure. Because of neuroplasticity (the brain’s tendency to rewire itself so that a stimulus and its response are closely associated with each other), sexual stimulus will be associated with its incredible neurochemical reward. Some of the chemicals that are released during sex are the same as those released after a woman gives birth. And just as these chemicals help a mother to bond with a newborn child, they also help sexual partners to feel bonded to one another.

   But when sexual stimulus comes in the form of masturbation, completely devoid of the sharing and vulnerability and complementarity of marriage, then the brain can become wired so that it is primarily masturbation that produces the reward, and an individual can become increasingly unable to sexually respond to a spouse. Masturbation and intercourse are simply different. One who masturbates frequently has a very direct knowledge of what actions bring pleasure most effectively. It can be difficult or impossible for a spouse to reproduce the pleasure that a masturbator has learned how to produce on his or her own. Thus, sexuality, if not expressed in the context of a loving and devoted relationship, turns inward and becomes a focus on self. It is spiritually dangerous to use 
sexuality for self when God intends for it to be used to help us overcome our love of self."
Read this on Janes awesome blog post today..

i am afraid of a sex life like my first marriage.
i am afraid of not meeting his standard or what he desires of me.
i am afraid that i'll be the one saying i love you and he'll just roll over, objectifying me.
i am afraid of sex addiction being a gap between us in the bedroom instead of sex part of what binds us together.
i am afraid im not enough and i'll feel empty.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. Thanks for sharing this and Jane's post:) You are an amazing woman!! I am so happy you are on the road to recovery.
