Monday, April 22, 2013

"You are never far from the sight of your loving Heavenly Father."

oh how i wish i could take on his burden and turmoil.
i wish i could help on the other side of that yoke.
i wish i could transfer the Spirit directly into his heart.
i wish i could have him see the strong, valiant man that i see.
i wish i could carry him through.
i wish i could take the temptations upon myself.

but this is not my burden to bear.
i know i have to sit and watch.
my noah and ali moments.
and he has a Savior that is a whole lot more powerful and perfect than my small human efforts.

he is working really hard lately.
he's doing good.

wednesday night i got a text while sitting in ARP.
i didnt see his car when i walked into the meeting. i prayed he showed up late.
right before my time to share.  the text said, "slipped."
all i could say was, i love you, get to the meeting even if its half over.
and my heart just melted to a big exhausted puddle on the floor.
i wasn't mad.  i was just sad.
i bore testimony about the things i do know to be true about myself and about recovery and about the atonement.
i left the meeting with lots of hugs and tried to decide what to do.

i wanted to wail hysterically.
i also wanted to tell him all my fears and thoughts and pain.
i also wanted to hold him and take away everything he is feeling.
i also wanted to just let him sit in whatever misery he was in to feel the extent of his consequences.
oh the internal battle.

i found myself driving to his house. i said a prayer. i told myself i wont let myself go inside if i am feeling angry. so i stopped and assessed how i was feeling and if i trusted myself enough to not be hurt or angry toward him.  i felt the Spirit.  i knew i could do it.  i also felt prompted to not say anything at all (lest anger came out).   So i went in.  he said something defensive.  i wanted to cry seeing the brick wall he puts up.  i hadn't said a word.  he was protecting himself from the wrath or hurt he was expecting from me.   it broke my heart.
dear satan,
please leave my man alone.

so i just hugged him.
i held him in my arms.
until he sobbed.
and he shook. and i cried with him.
for a long time.
he was writing in his journal when i walked in and he read to me what he wrote.
he is a good man.
he told me he thinks this was rock bottom.
he told me how much he hates this. and wants to get rid of it.
he made a list of ways for him to combat satan when a temptation arises.
it was such a good evening together.

so we battle on.


  1. Good for you for allowing the spirit to guide you in your responses!!!

  2. Dang these are tough moments. You are really doing well to stay strong. What is he doing for support?? I will totally contact him. Sounds like he's still getting tossed to and fro. If you have an email I'll send you my contact info.

  3. he's not doing a whole lot for support right now. his family and i are obviously supportive, but he doesn't reach out to us often. he doesn't have a sponsor nor is he in contact with any men from group. his bishop isnt much help, so he doesn't contact him either. ehhh….so the answer is really zero. its all available but he doesn't reach out much. he's better than he use to be though..
    my email is
